The bottle has changed, the original great taste hasn't 2008

Coca-Cola ad for Pendleton Round-Up Rodeo 2007

You don't have to be smooth 2007

You don't have to have a label 2007

You don't have to read the fine print 2007
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Movies just aren't the same without an ice cold Coke

Your host of the airwaves 1950

Coca-Cola host of the highways 1950

At fountains everywhere ice-cold Coca-Cola awaits 1950
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Coca-Cola have commissioned Swedish artist Mikael Erikkson to recreate their traditional images of Santa Claus, updating the work done by US artist Haddon Sundblom in the 1930s. Three oil on canvas paintings have been adapted for high impact outdoor advertisements.

Holidays are coming Coke 2009

Christmas on the Coke side of life 2009

Santa is giving gifts of Coca-Cola to a group of passengers on the underground metro 2009