Coca-Cola magazine ads from 1925

6,000,000 a day. In fact, Coca-Cola has an average sale of more than six million drinks for every day in the year. I has the charm of purity.

Everybody likes it. Ice-cold for you - wherever you go. Pure - sealed in the bottle that keeps it so.

You're missing something. It is sweet, but with a piquancy. A zest - As you get full flavor, you sense bouquet - I has the charm of purity. Coca-Cola!

It takes both hands to do this job. Three at a time - Still the come - It takes both hands, and I could use more - For this is the drink full of life and flavor.

Refresh yourself! Enjoy the sociable drink - the beverage that's so good other are always glad to join you.

At a cool and cheerful place, you'll find a wonderful girl in a real American pose - at the soda fountain. When thirsty remember her.

You'll find this delight at any fountain. Its thirst-quenching quality - its satisfying taste and charm of purity - has won for Coca-Cola tremendous popularity - and caused it to be sold everywhere.

Stop at the red sign and refresh yourself. All roads lead by Coca-Cola signs. Travel where you may they are never more than a thirst apart.