Fun way to reach a beach on a Harley-Davidson Duo-Glide, 1960

Ride the sunny side of the street!, 1961

Harley-Davidson 1962 FUN-O-RAMA!, 1962

What an experienced gift giver did with '46 for Christmas, 1964

Swing out on Harley-Davidson!, 1964

A precision masterpiece on wheels, 1965

'65 Sprints..., 1965

Rally round the fun with Young America, 1966

Go adventure... go Harley-Davidson, 1967

Catch the lightning bug on an electric action '67 sportster, 1967

Cut the world's fastest pattern, 1968

Harley-Davidson priced to meet competition and engineered to beat it, 1968

The sprint holds two land speed records. So we improved it, 1968

The Harley-Davidson out-performers, 1969

...Out-perform everything on two wheels, 1969
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