Coca-Cola christmas
Beautiful snowflakes from Coca-Cola bottles
Coca-Cola have commissioned Swedish artist Mikael Erikkson to recreate their traditional images of Santa Claus, updating the work done by US artist Haddon Sundblom in the 1930s. Three oil on canvas paintings have been adapted for high impact outdoor advertisements.
The Coca-Cola Santa Claus artwork from 1951 shows Santa reading a list of good boys and girls; there is no list of bad children.
Although many credit our modern day Santa to Thomas Nast, Santa’s jolly look all started in 1931 with Haddon Sundblom and Coca-Cola.
Legendary illustrator Haddon Sundblom created the rosy-cheeked figure – today’s traditionally accepted appearance of the jolly old elf – in 1931 for a Coke holiday advertising campaign. Since that time, the Coca-Cola Santa has become one of the most beloved cultural icons and an anticipated part of holiday tradition.