Gil Elvgren – a student of Haddon Sundblom, Elvgren is perhaps best known for drawing and painting pin-up girls. His style was so similar to Sundblom’s that he could finish paintings that his mentor had started. Working with Sundblom Gil Elvgren contributed to various Coca-Cola ads himself.
The first advertising artwork for Coca-Cola that Elvgren worked on was in 1939. It is a scene of a pilot and a flight attendant in an airport snack bar having a Coca-Cola with a plane flying past the window behind them.

"Take of... refreshed" 1939 by Gil Elvgren

"The Pause That Refreshes" 1939 by Gil Elvgren

"Home refreshment" 1944 by Gil Elvgren
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Coca Cola was involved in the Second World War. In 1941, when the United States entered the war, Woodruff decided that Coca Cola’s place was near the front line.He sent an order to
“See that ever man in uniform gets a bottle of Coca Cola for 5 cents wherever he is and whatever the cost to the company”.
Coca Cola had not only lifted the spirits of the US Armed Forces, it had also introduced itself to new markets. When the war ended the bottling plants and a little bit of America stayed too.

Coca-Cola goes along

Have a Coca-Cola = Howdy, Neighbor

Coca-Cola Compares the Wartime experiences of Three Wars, c.1943
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