Coca-Cola was one of the three official beverage sponsors with a Getraenkedienst (beverage service) at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. Athletic competition was a Nazi ideal and the Coca-Cola GmbH cashed in heavily on this infatuation by becoming one of the biggest sponsors of sports events, most notably the annual Deutschlandrundfahrt (National Bycicle Championships) and the Soccer Cup.

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Getrank (One People, One Nation, One Drink) Olympic Games in Berlin 1936

Coca-Cola ad Third Reich 1935

Coca-Cola ad Third Reich 1936
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Drink a bottle of Coca-Cola and be lucky
Coca-Cola used the swastika again in 1925 when it introduced a watch fob in that design. The swastika was widely used as a symbol of good luck or good fortune prior to the Second World War.
In 1925 Coca Cola made a lucky watch fob in the shape of a swastika with the slogan, “Drink Coca Cola five cents in bottles.” At that time, the Swastika was still a symbol of ‘Good Luck’. The watch fob is approximately 4cm x 4cm in size and is made of brass.

Coca Cola swastika