Ford magazine ads from 1924 to 1928

Not even a chilly rain need upset the plans of the woman who has a Ford closed car at her disposal, 1924
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First steps of Ford Motor Company in business and advertising
Ford Motor Company is one of the greatest automobile manufacturers of all time. They started under Henry Ford in Detroit, Michigan. Ford had a skill for craftsmanship when he built an experimental car in 1896. It was a twin cylinder engine with potential of 20 mph. In 1899 he left his job in order to organize the Detroit Automobile Company. Ford’s first production was in 1903, the Model A, with an under the floor engine selling for $850. In the first season it sold 1,708 cars.
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Marathon bicyclists were the first athletes to endorse Coca-Cola
Marathon bicyclists were the first athletes to endorse Coca-Cola. World champion and Georgia-native Bobby Walthour appeared in a 1909 newspaper ad.
“When I first went into a six-day race I took a jug of Coca-Cola to New York with me and drank it all the time I was there. I won the championship and came out of that great contest ten pounds heavier than I went in. After that experience I have never been without Coca-Cola, because it keeps me fresh, but does not stimulate and then leave me all broken up.”
Old Pepsi-Cola free drink coupons
The early Pepsi:Cola Co experimented with various campaigns to promote Pepsi. These free drink coupons was one of such promotion, used from 1905-1915, and were redeemable at any soda fountain that sold Pepsi:Cola.
Coca-Cola for export
This delicious and refreshing beverage-pure and sparkling, ready to drink – is now prepared especially for export. In standard split bottles, handsomely labeled and decorated, packed in substantial case.